The displayed list comprise elements that will initiate an immediate process and those that require the user to make a further selection.
Actions that initiate an immediate process include:
Cleanse File Names (Folder):
Create File Import List (Folder):
Create Filename Manifest (Folder):
Create WMIC Outfile: Executes the wmic shell command, retrieving operating system properties for a fil, with output directed to a file chosen by the user.
Delete: Deletes the selected item.
Delete Files (Folder):
Edit Node Array (Folder):
Edit RelativeNode Array (Folder):
Flush Files (Folder):
Properties: Displays a message detailing the item's properties
Rename: Prompt for the name that the user wishes to apply to the item.
Review Header:
Select Sub-Folder (Folder):
Shell Open: Open the file using the operating system identified application.
Show Content: Display the file contents.
Show Detail:
Show Node Map: The design of the catalogue database incorporates a mechanism to reduce a lengthy path name into a dot separated node map that is assigned a unique identification number. This assists in reducing the
Actions that direct users to a lower level selection list include:
Archive: Undertake one of the various options that are available to archive the selected item.
Archive (File):
Archive Compare Replace (File):
Archive Master Restore Compare (File):
Create Archive Copy (File):
Replace Compare With Master (File):
Replace Master With Compare (File):
Archive Content (Folder):
Create Archive Nodes (Folder):
Cascading Actions (Folder):
Catalogue Actions (Folder):
Compare Folder Options (Folder):
Mapped Folder Actions (Folder):
Dump: Select one of the various formats that will define the output created to display the contents of the selected file.
Binary Hex Dump: Output file character content using hexadecimal representation.
Binary Hex Dump Short: Output file character content using hexadecimal representation.
Text Hex Dump: Output file character content using hexadecimal representation.
Text Hex Dump Short: Output file character content using hexadecimal representation.
Import: Invoke the Import Engine and process the file content on the basis of user selection. In some cases a simulation of an import may be selected in order to establish that file content meets import requirements.
CSV Filename Manifest:
Dir Outfile:
Dir Outfile: